On January 12-14, 2024, a Kyokushin Seminar was held as part of the New Year’s Kagami Biraki, combined with the KWF International Judges’ Kus. The special guest and leader of the seminar was the Chairman of the KWF Referee Committee, Shihan Fernando Perez 7 dan from Spain.

The seminar was conducted with the aim of improving kihon/kata/kumite/self-defense and the International Refereeing Course, and was addressed to all black belt holders, coaches and players.
The first training and refereeing practice took place on Friday in the Polska YMCA Kraków Hall, ul. Krowoderska 8, other training sessions took place in the Sports Hall of MDK “Dom Harcerza” in Krakow, ul. Reymonta 18.

The seminar program included four two-hour training sessions and three lectures combined with practice aimed at improving technical and refereeing skills. Additionally, there was a short outdoor training (in the snow) combined with a photo session and Sayonara for the managers of the centers and invited guests. The organizer of the above-mentioned The event was organized by the Polish Kyokushinkai Organization under the leadership of shihan Andrzej Drewniak.

photo: Maciej Grzymek (1.kyu)
