On November 23, the IBKO Kyokushin World Cup took place at the National Olympic Center in Tokyo – Yoyogi with the participation of 857 competitors from ten countries. The largest foreign teams were: Kazakhstan – 42 competitors and Poland – 31 competitors. The competitions were held on 8 mats, both in kata with the participation of about 300 competitors and in kumite with the participation of over 500 competitors.

Due to the program of the stay, the Polish Team led by shihan Andrzej Drewniak (9th dan, KWF Poland) was accommodated in a hotel in Tokyo – Ikebukuro and in Tokyo – Shinjuku, which is connected by a fast metro.

After the competition, a retrospective training for 30 competitors and coaches was led by Shihan Andrzej Drewniak in the main hall of Kyokushin Honbu Tokyo, where he was on a more than one-year scholarship funded by Sosai Mas. Oyama at the turn of 1985/1986.
